Single customer view

I want to get a single view of my customers

You’ve no shortage of reports – web analytics, media activity, marketing automation platforms, CRM and ERP systems. But do they tell a story? Is that story consistent? Is it believable? Can you really trust your data? We aggregate and organize your data – giving you clarity around what you’re doing, what you’re achieving and where you need to go next.

Talk to us about your data challenges

What are you up against?

of respondents said their company had fully integrated their customer data across all areas of the organization
of respondents said their company had fully integrated their customer data across all areas of the organization
Source: Salesforce ‘State of B2B Marketing’

Why are my existing systems not doing this?

You’ve made the investment, but are still not getting the clarity you want. We start by asking if you’re actually using the full capabilities of the tools already at your disposal. Are reports configured so that they are easy to generate and digest? Are the right people able to access them and do they help guide decision making?

of marketers cite inconsistent data across technologies as their biggest challenge for maximizing the ROI in marketing technology
of marketers cite inconsistent data across technologies as their biggest challenge for maximizing the ROI in marketing technology
Source: Dun & Bradstreet

Why do I get different data from different systems?

You may be getting the most out of your tools. But each is usually designed for a specific task, with a specific angle on the data. Unless they’re configured to work in harmony, the results are confusing. Let us focus in on what’s important and give you a single, understandable view – instead of different versions of the truth.

of marketers say they don’t know which digital marketing channel has the biggest positive impact on revenue
of marketers say they don’t know which digital marketing channel has the biggest positive impact on revenue
Source: MarketingProfs

I want to see accounts, not individuals

Most marketing data is presented at a contact level – which only provides half the picture. Because B2B is structured around organizational buying and key accounts, we aim to group and present data at an account level, enabling you to monitor, score and respond to activity by multiple stakeholders within a company.

of organizations say data-driven marketing is their top strategic priority for 2016
of organisations say data-driven marketing is their top strategic priority
Source: Adobe

How to incorporate third-party data

It’s a big enough task organizing and aggregating your own data. But you know you need to get your own house in order before you can take advantage of data from vendors’ data management platforms. We help you get the best out of both – combining data sources to help identify new accounts or inform online targeting and remarketing efforts.

Do your people ‘get’ data?

Getting data organized is one thing. Changing the mindset of your team to take advantage of what that data tells you is another altogether. The best data and customer insight will go to waste if they don’t have the skills to interpret what it means and the courage (or mandate) to act on it.

Do you want to stop guessing and start knowing?

Discuss your marketing data and measurement with our experts.


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When people tell me that B2B companies have a big data problem, I smile to myself. Most just have a big problem with their data.

Ivan Barra

MarketOne International

capabilities combined to meet this challenge

  • Integrating data from MAP, CRM, ERP systems
  • Segmentation to support personalization
  • Closed loop sales and marketing funnel reporting
  • Predictive analytics: proprietary models and partnerships
  • Marketing transformation roadmap

Dig into our data, reporting and analytics capabilities

clients we've helped with this challenge

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