lead scoring

I want to get lead scoring working properly

It sounded great at that conference. Every time someone interacts with your emails or website, they score points. If they have a high ranking job title, they score some more. Then simply call the top-scoring contacts because they’re the ones most likely to buy. Easy in theory. So why doesn’t it always work so well in practice?

We’ve seen this many times before – and we know what it takes to turn rhetoric into ROI. Having spent good money on that lead-scoring model, don’t you think it’s time it started paying back?

Take the first step to getting scoring right

Does this sound familiar?

50% of sales time is wasted on unproductive prospecting
Source: B2B Lead
43% of marketers don’t know what data to score on.
Source: Marketo

Everyone has an opinion

Everyone from sales to digital and data to business development wants – and needs – to have their say on scoring, but different teams have different ideas and expectations. Let us provide the common framework and coordination necessary to get disparate teams aligned.

Data everywhere – but not in the right place

You may have basic contact profile data in place and tracking scripts deployed to track engagement. But are there ‘hidden predictors’ lurking in those data sets that aren’t yet integrated into your scoring model? Taking a view of activity across an entire account can also provide a different picture. Patchy data means patchy results.

Only 8% of leads in an average B2B database have high probability to convert
Source: Mintigo
68% of successful marketers cite lead scoring as most responsible for improving revenue contribution
Source: Kenkold Group

The myth of intuition

A lead scoring program is an analytical process. It needs time, it needs transparency, it needs a rigorous methodology to validate (and recalibrate). Build a model on hunches and ‘gut feel’ about who should be ready to buy and it will never work.

Qualification as research

Lead development teams should be motivated (and incentivized) to capture insight, as well as convert the sales-ready leads. They need to understand that engagement quality is just as important as quantity. As much insight can emerge from a bad conversation as a good one – provided there’s a process in place to capture the data and close the loop.

Capabilities combined to meet this challenge

  • MAP deployment and configuration
  • CRM integration and optimization
  • Standard and custom API integrations
  • MAP-based lead scoring models
  • Proprietary and third party predictive models
  • Lead management process design
  • Telequalification as a managed service

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Clients we've helped with this challenge

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Make lead scoring work for you

Is your lead scoring program delivering the results you’d hoped for? If not, we can implement a test-measure-learn approach to validate your current lead management process and scoring model.


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“The vast majority of your prospects sit somewhere in between “hot” and “not interested”. With a properly managed lead scoring process in place, you can see exactly how interested they are and judge how best to interact with them. Without it you’re fumbling around in the dark.”

Mary McMillan

MarketOne US