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MarketOne updates its web presence (yes, finally)

Date: 2 December 2016

You may have noticed, we have a new website.

Those of you who were regular visitors to the last one probably don’t need to be told why we felt there was a need to change. We were long overdue an update. The last iteration of our website was built nearly five years ago. We’ve changed a lot as a company in those five years and the old site no longer really reflected our integrated capabilities. We used a lot of words where pictures would doubtless have helped. Structurally, it was tricky to add new sections and the mobile experience was poor.


Here’s what’s changed

Overall, we’ve tried to make the content more customer focused with the addition of a section that covers some of the typical client challenges we address. We’ve added more ‘social proof’ with customer logos, quotes and ‘factoids’ that highlight the scale, complexity and effectiveness of the work we do for those customers. Longer case studies are in development and will be added in the new year.

Challenges MarketOne helps address
The website now features some of the challenges that MarketOne helps clients address

Naturally, our website is an important source of new business leads. We took the decision to pursue an open content model. Rather than putting content in downloadable PDFs behind forms, we’ve created a premium reading experience for our articles – whether on desktop or mobile devices – with contextual calls-to-action and multiple ways to get in touch: live chat, phone and inquiry forms. For those wishing to update their profile or preferences, we also have a new preference center.

The design language has also been updated. While the MarketOne logo remains the same, we’ve introduced a wider range of blues and greys to the color palette, and in a move that borders on the revolutionary, we’ve even introduced a green to give buttons and links more stand-out. We’ve adopted a serif font – Noticia – that we think gives the content a more ‘editorial’ feel – taking cues from sites like Medium and LinkedIn articles.

For those interested in the back-end, the site is built on WordPress using HTML 5 in a modular way, which makes it far easier to create new pages and sections. Phew. We have both Oracle Eloqua and Marketo tracking scripts in place, and we’re using Google Analytics – all are feeding into our DS1 data platform, with Tableau sat on top for data visualization and analysis.

Like it? We certainly hope so. If you’d like us to design and build something similar for you, then please get in touch.